The Mini-Writing Festival Checklist For Teachers

The Mini-Writing Festival Checklist For Teachers

 Getting Started. 

1. Send Teacher List

  1. Every teacher needs an account to access the platform, resources, and workshop links. Send your teacher list to
  2. Each student needs their own login to complete digital activities you assign, and/or to create, save and share projects.
    Send class lists to (Note: We do not contact students directly.)

2. Plan and Prepare

View the ‘Navigating the Dashboard’ video. We recommend you:

  1. Review the Festival Calendar.
  2. Explore Author Pages - see the Festival Activity Packs - one for each author.
  3. Discover FestivalScribe - writing activities you can digitally assign and review

3. Print Resources

These resources are in the Mini Writing Festival dashboard, use this direct link
  1. Festival Poster - engage the students by placing around the school.
  2. Educators’ Poster - for staff rooms.
  3. Student Writing Journal - one per student. Author Page/Pre-Workshop Resources.
  4. Festival Activity Packs - for teachers to prepare. One per author in Author Pages.

4. Submit Author Questions

Deadline to submit is 48 Hours before live workshop. Click links below to submit.
  1. Lower Primary (5 to 8 years)
  2. Middle Primary (7 to 10 years)
  3. Upper Primary (10 to 14 years)
  4. High School (12 to 14+years)
Learning Tip. How do I ask a question that discovers something I cannot google?

 Preparing for the live workshops. 

5. Tech Check

Test your camera, audio & keyboard the week before! (See over for troubleshooting)

6. Workshop Links

Access Zoom and YouTube links via the ‘Live Resources’ button.
  1. Watch the ‘how to access workshops’ video.
  2. Each session will be open 15 minutes before we go live.
  3. Each workshop has a unique link.

7. Zoom vs. YouTube

Zoom Links - Teacher access ONLY - for classrooms.
  1. Zoom is interactive. We can receive and respond to questions and see students
YouTube Links - Student access ONLY - for remote learning.
  1. Youtube is one way - you can see us, we cannot see you. The chat function is OFF.
  2. Teachers are responsible for providing the Youtube link to their students -we do not provide students access to the YouTube links. 

8. Student Preparation

  1. Paper, pencils, textas, white boards, Student Writing Journal, and imagination!
  2. While pre-work (e.g. activities in the Festival Activity Packs) will enrich the student learning experience, it is not required. Every workshop is designed to engage.

9. Post Workshop Options

  1. All workshops are available on demand from 24 hours after the live session until the end of Term 3. Go to ‘Post Workshop Resources.’
  2. Complete some of the 350+ writing activities.
  3. Revise workshops and micro videos. Students can review and rewrite their drafts.
  4. Publish writing to your classroom digital library.
  5. Share writing on the Story Starter Wall and in your school newsletter.
  6. Create a digital project or printed book.
  7. Explore Book Week resources

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